
Showing posts from February, 2010


新年期间去看这部电影。拖了好久才打算写。 内容描述的是中国古代两国交战的故事。卫国主营被梁国军队伏击,在一场强烈的战争之后,两败俱伤,仅仅剩下一个梁国士兵和一个卫国将军,士兵是因为装死而生存下来,而卫国将军则是虽生犹死。认为只要抓住了将军,就可以得到奖赏,让自己能远离战争。于是,士兵毫不费力地抓住了受伤的将军,从此开始了回梁国的漫长旅途。 将,有着深刻地国家使命。壮志昂昂、为国捐躯、誓死不降等等; 兵呢,不外乎希望保命而已,回到家乡,为接下来的生活继续努力。 就如成龙在剧中不停地唱着“ 我家住在呦梁呀梁山下 山下土肥呦地呀地五亩啊 五亩良田呦油菜花 一条大河呦通呀通我家 有妻有儿呦瓦呀瓦房大 鸡肥鹅肥呦牛呀牛羊壮啊 种豆种稻呦油菜花” 小人物的心声不就是家庭平安,够吃够用就好了。谁人在乎国土扩张了多少寸呢,收入增进多少两呢?你们的厮杀与我无关! 剧中,没有太多的名字,即使到了剧终时 大家都只是一个代号。兵、将、公子、歌鶋。 或许战争时代就是如此吧!过路人此终只是过路人而已。


今年的农历新年依然把自己放在家里,没有与朋友们聚会。 几乎每一年都是如此。家里热闹的气氛总让自己不想离开这个大环境,不论是从客厅走去厨房绕一圈,再回到客厅找不空间坐下。我还是喜欢这样的一个家。 我住的祖屋--意指与公公婆婆一起住,大家过年都会回到这里。新年期间,叔叔,姑姑,姐姐,哥哥都会齐聚一堂,宽大的客厅找不到一个椅子坐下,四个小萝卜头在人群中钻来钻去,我连自己的说话的声音都听不见,吵闹的说话声中夹杂尖锐的哭声。好似一个可怕的环境,却是我们的相处方式,很热闹、真的很热闹。就连今年第一次的婆家过年的二姐都无法习惯婆家的安静。 麻将、谈天、看电视、去走走、陪小孩子玩。。。就是我的新年节目,当然近年来的节目增加了----当司机。去机场载人、载人去机场、载人买菜。。。都是我的责任(谁叫我manual,auto 都可以) 小时候,总是想逃开。不喜欢带朋友回家都没地方坐,年饼都被自己吃完了,真丢脸 ! 现在,我已经无法习惯太安静的团圆饭,无法习惯彼此客气的夹菜给对方,想要的食物就要自己抢!^_^ 斯文在我家吃不到饭! 我发现自己渐渐地喜欢这样的家庭,懂得欣赏其中美好。或许是经过公公的葬礼,才发现,原来我的家人彼此都很坦白,谈话很愉快! 长大了,不再对新年有着浓厚的憧憬,却期待这一刻相聚时光来临。 同学们,朋友们,不好意思,今年依然把全部的时间放在家里。

Jalan Malioboro 26.12.09

一早,大家都睡到自然醒,又是一个美丽的早晨。拿着相机,出外走走。 这真是一条美丽的街道。 走在去Kraton的路上,巧遇在印尼第三次遇上的"陌生人”。边走边聊时才知道原来他 也是大马人 ,真的很巧,短短三天内就碰面三次。不多话,在人潮汹涌的Kraton门口合照。 第一次在borrobudur塔上,第二次在borrobudur平地上帮我们拍大合照的人,第三次在Malioboro的路口。如果,我们没有停下来吃面;如果,我们没有睡到这么迟;如果,我们那晚不在那里过夜,或许就碰不上了。人与人之间,总是有许许多多的巧合组成,尤其是出走时,总是相遇短短时间就分离了。应当珍惜这份相遇,把握每一个机会。 这几天来遇到的人。老的、少的、女的、男的,努力生活的、热爱生活的、朦胧的。。等等。不多不少,刚刚好组成一张A4的Wallpaper. =p ~@~@~ Jalan Malioboro ( Malioboro Street ) is a major shopping street in Yogyakarta , Indonesia ; the name is also used more generally for the neighborhood around the street. It runs north from the Yogyakarta kraton (palace) towards the roads that lead to either Surakarta to the east, or Magelang to the north, as well as Mount Merapi . This is in itself is significant to many of the local population, the north south orientation between the palace and the volcano being of importance. The street is the centre of Yogyakarta's largest tourist district; many hotels and restaurants are located nearby. Sidewalks on bo

The Blind Side

For 17 years, Michael Oher ( Quinton Aaron ) has been in foster care with different families. Every time he is sent to a new home, he runs off. One of his foster parents enrolls him into a Christian school , after the father convinces the coach that "Big Mike" is a natural athlete. The coach convinces the school principal to enroll him into the school. After school one day, Michael meets Sean "SJ" Jr. ( Jae Head ), who quickly befriends Michael. Leigh Anne Tuohy ( Sandra Bullock ) is an interior designer , mother to SJ and Collins ( Lily Collins ), and wife to Sean Tuohy ( Tim McGraw ). After a pre-holiday Thanksgiving school festival, Leigh Anne notices Michael walking on the road, shivering in the freezing cold; she pities his situation and offers him a place to spend the night. The next morning, much to her dismay, she finds Michael leaving their driveway and asks him to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Slowly, Michael starts becoming a part of the Tuohy f